The government of Turkey, has accepted a new (social) media censorship law, last month. Based on this law, social media users and journalists may sentenced to prison 1–3 years.
The censorship law has presented to Turkish Parliament by AKP (Political-Islamic Party) and accepted with support of MHP (Turkish Racist Party). The parliamenterians of opposition parties CHP (Republicers’ Party) and HDP (Nations’ Democratic Party), said “no” at the voting. Opposition leaders had made fiery talks against the censorship and pressure politicy of Political-Islamic-racist government of Turkey and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. “We are talking about a law that is the most oppressive in our history and the law that contains the most censorship. We believe the biggest censorship law in history will be reversed by the Constitutional Court and this law will be annulled. It is a regulation that takes us down to the level of underdeveloped societies.” Burak Erbay, a member of the opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), said. Also the opposition media and most of citizens didn’t want the censorship law.
By the way, the government defends the law for the purpose of “fight against disinformation”, specially at social media.
Based to new censorship law, a person who publish or shares any information which doesn’t unconfirmed by legal authorities or government, at social media or web sites or any type of media, may sentenced to prison 1 year to 3 years. The law including social media platforms, like as Twitter and Facebook. If an user re-tweet or re-share any social media sharings which including uncorfirmed information, it’s enough for punishment.
For fighting against internet anonymousity, if the “culprit(!)” has a nickname and anonymous account (like most of social media) the punishment will increased to half-and-half.
Based to new censorship law, the social media provider companies, like Facebook or Twitter, must give the users’ meta-datas (e-mail addresses, IP numbers, telephone numbers) to Turkish authorities during the investigations. If the provider company rejects to giving users’ meta-datas, data bandwith of the platform may reduce to 90% in 4 hours untill giving the users’ datas.
And the government may order to delete any sharing or content from internet. If any web service, content provider or social media platform decline this order, government may ban the platform’s ads from the advertisers which established in Turkey for 6 months.
Another judgment of new censorship law; the government may inspect the press cards of journalists and cancel them or ban any journalist to make journalism.
After accepted the new censorship law, a Turkish court ordered the arrest of a journalist for allegedly spreading “disinformation”. Sinan Aygul, a journalist, was detained early on Wednesday after he wrote on Twitter that a 14-year-old girl had allegedly been sexually abused by men including police officers and soldiers. Aygul has arrested in same day with a court order.
Hundreds of journalists have been jailed in Turkey. Ozgur Ogret, Turkey representative for the Committee to Protect Journalists, said the new law poses a danger not only for journalists but all citizens and could increase self-censorship ahead of elections set for next year. “This law will hinder the free flow of information in the election atmosphere.” he said after a press freedom event organised by the International Press Institute in Istanbul. “Freedom of expression is always important but in an election atmosphere, it is really crucial for everybody to speak their minds and voters to decide on solid information.”