Photo by Justin Morgan on Unsplash

If you want to work in your home and be boss of your own business or seeking a second job for extra money, you can learn SEO.


SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) doesnโ€™t need techinal expertness. Just needs logical thinking and you must know a few basic rules.

First rule: Understanding the Googleโ€™s working algorithm. Itโ€™s not a secret. The Google bots searchs all internet like a spider, reads all contents and understands them. Then, make a priority placement by some criters like originality of contents, richness of contents, easy-using for visitors, opening speed of pages, cleaning of codes etc.

Second rule: Content is king! Donโ€™t forget, Google bots can understand any text like a human mind. Write clean, unique contents for per websites. Donโ€™t copy or steal anywhere, specially other websites which are same sector or content. Donโ€™t write bullshits for SEO, donโ€™t write anything just for SEO. Write for real persons who visit your website really and seeking for real information and answers of their questions.

Third rule: Optimizing the titles and description areas of pages and posts. The SEO extentions like All In One SEO or Yoast SEO, makes easy your job and does it automaticly.

Other rules: Learn using the Google Search Console and how to create and add a sitemap file. Learn using and analysing the reports at least one professional SEO tool, for example Wincher, Ahrefs, Semrush, Moz etc.

You can find clients from Fiverr, social media, forumsโ€ฆ

And a final tip: Backlinking (and hacklinking) is waste! Donโ€™t this! Never! Just generate rich and unique contents, use correct titles and analyse the user actions.

For questions about SEO you can contact me everytime.



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